The sea cares not for our castles, our riches, our triumphs, or our failures.

It cares nothing for our dreams.

The shimmering sea simply does not care.

All it knows is the warmth of our skin, the weight of our hearts and the depth of our breath.


A ruin of 12 vessels:

In the end, it is the final step of the golden mile that matters most, the measured archaeology of our lives:

Will it have meaning;

Will the gathered fragments tell the truth of who we are.

LSB Catalogue, March 2022

What Remains. 2022

Glass fibre reinforced concrete, antique porcelain, resins, pigment/paint, fool’s gold and marine grade stainless steel.

300 x 100 x 4800 cm, 5 tonne

Migration, entropy, origin, mortality and repair: The fragments that we leave behind, the marks and scars of our lives, these tell the story of us.

Lorne Sculpture Biennale

Lorne, Australia
12 March - 3 April 2022

Circle formation at Mt Rothwell

What Remains

Robert Hague